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Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 005

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Year 1940
OCR Text ‘11 .II
1 \ I
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“ ll. 'l‘HH ('1CR1C.\1, .\.\'Iw wrnlcu ( RHI‘N 01‘ 1\H>11.;\1\l1 |~m\ 19.1.1. 1m _
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‘ Rmnmll(Mvasmml1n 1111115) for 1.. r . ~_ I I I
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' 13. AHRU‘I'IXI‘I'RH. M‘vrrsrlt-s . . . . . . _ I
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‘ 14. l‘luwlcs or (11mm 1x lumxm‘mzn MAthul Hm 111.111 . 7-5 .I! I 1
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III )VII m; HUI 1mm; Ha. I PAGE 1
l3. l)1(ll‘l'l,\‘ H1? SHEEP S1N1'1—I lh‘lh‘ . - - ' “'J ' 1. Sr-I'npiw .\(l\zmvml arm 13. (Inllnwzl.V “‘11lv“1\7"."”0l“ 2”“
‘I 1 ‘ 4,1,“ng 10w Hf wool with of 'l‘umlvrgm‘lll Mains "
l . v . . 03‘; -11\r;[\1011.\' on the farm 21nd 21.1521; . . . .154 .
I . ) . I. . I. I. v v I: h 5 I _ l . ._. . ( _ I I I
lb. 1 RI! 1m I11 \\ 1"”; \l-\‘ l l 1 himh‘lmrwrs I , . My 14. Br‘llml tulllmnly Bull. “)lnrk ‘
’1 ' , V , - V. 1» r. - :\(l\‘()4‘2lt(‘ " 11185 B . .354
. . w . N , .y - _’. N-mplo 7 r _»\(l\ mu 1 (l tam I I I
17. (NONI-ZRAL Mum yr meBlva. 111,111 (/l/Il.\f)II/II/1 . . -31) IIIIImIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII] MI Hmhluml BHHI 1. WI”, DIOIIII
ll im-worrlinalinn of gull . 71% ll? " 41123 , . 35;", J
1: . IIII, V . .)"" II . .I h I
. 15. l‘mmll'ns AWARDED BY 'rmc NH 11ul\ 1.\ 111.111 . -1); III TWO mmmml “Wk 130611.15. 10. Aytlum IIIZI1111,_ Burton U
ml gl'ilx'filfllldi111(l('\1ltl\'2111‘(1 III B I:\I()I\"‘II:.VI 3511,11?” -I H - 1-).) I
1 ‘ » . H - . w ' x w ‘ ‘ ‘1) .4 1 nd I.\ ‘71[h()ug havnar. 1. 1’1le~ 1 ‘rwsmn 11 , ‘, mu
1 v x . ' 1 h A 1,’1‘1ul{.»\11(>.\.\ 1x PHI/1 11151 . .11). u . . I. I I _ l
lJ. l)1 3111<11..\ \11H\\ . l 13 . -\ IIIIIII.II,(III.IIIII BI III/IIIOlIIII‘ II,I_ rIlngton (unportml 1931)) |
-~ - £12 400 " 415,237 . . . 2.315 “v
" \ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ \VH '11“'1‘\ HH‘ 1938-311 , . . 37;) M um" ' . I . 18 ("lvdvx‘tl-rlc Entire (‘olt “ Carl: '
VI _(1_ ; 1 l «H ,\1.\ HI- ’1 1112 - I \ - - IL \Viwwnrnm, t1“. lam“. (,f . I (V II .III, I ,r n IIvI I
‘ _ (‘Iiok Beetles . . 96 III (II InImr‘I‘ {"1150} II whiff? - wt ‘
21. l’rmwrcrjhlxus A'I‘1\‘(')(‘11C'1‘\‘.\‘BOARD AND GENERAL Mr: ' 3M 5. Hun-had 9113s of the Crmu‘ . 31:52:“ ‘0‘ mg, mm» as” y
1 ‘ "' It alu(1>.'rz, rc- -II - . . -. 1 I
M“ ' 1 1‘1?" { p If \ 211. (‘lvdf‘sdulc l‘lllV, “)IVI'CHPH 158
(-m‘erorl from grams lnntl . 101 I I v ‘ II . I II ,
. '.l. Jervlmron Man-n, Motion 1
(1. Leutlmr Jar-kots, larva) 01 B 161‘, VIII 4
Iv' I. _ _ 1): ” . ' -'
Al)})}.‘\'])]\ 1 IPUIUI palml'mll I I l 3 22. Hunter Gelding, “ R215 3:311 ;
A U A I 7. Cln'ysunt 1911111111 5100 .\ m\\'- ,I - II ) I \ I q .. I I .1
l, _ II III III III IIIII LIIIIIVIIIIII 71. High 111111911? 1111”, Man I I_
II I 111,. N1 » I . ‘ Inurt‘ 0.31:) . . . 2.)” .
,I, PREMIij “FFICRICI, I“ Tm: Nu‘llc’m 1_\‘ lll-Ul ~ - - 1116111111" M11115“ "‘1 “1“ _ 24. Shetland Pony Mara, "Hur— :
l“ I 1‘“va and Stem ' ' ml \‘11‘.\'l()lln I‘vurl " 47211 . 2151) l
)lralmlcns Amrl'r'rI-m JI'NIC 19311 AND olA\_\‘l'AR\' 194“ r - “13 I *3 TWOl<‘i‘\"‘5‘>f('l‘l‘FiU”l“"”“”{ ‘ 2.3. an‘kney )[urt‘ in H11.1‘Dt‘>\, -‘
minml by the maggots 01 ‘ H Miss AIIPIII’W .. Lummfl I 2‘s” ,I
11‘“ Clu‘Y‘m“livm‘m‘ 1493f 261 Blm'kfm-O 8110;111ng E\\(‘.
W Mme“ I’llymmym "tri‘ “ quon n‘ 1110 3011111 ” . 2131 r
('orlris.I A. Lower fiurntr-v I‘ 37I Clmvim Tup I I I 3H1 I‘ a
l I1 “1 10“ thvmg gallon“ '38. BUNlE‘I' lmivoslor Slleurlin‘r l P
lVlll‘VV ‘1 r m" with 111-117 at: 1nd - ‘ r .. , y ‘ C, '
' 1‘ ‘ cg ' ‘ Imp“ F111). Luwsun s (xlnrv 1 Q
- I 1‘zISCI‘S 2n .5qu ; IB. Lppor Il “I995 I I I I 2“: i
l 7 7 7 ‘: Sluvmvh m 10211 Sh”ng 29. Hull-Bred va Lmnh . . 2112 I y
l “ “‘“1flflq1tfi “1 gl‘llm'w“. ' 1m 2111. Oxford Down Sheurling Tup. 2113 ll I
q 1), BN'I‘iCOTflIU’ braxszcw. )IIenlIV 3L Suffolk THIII (s Southbm“
‘ ' It is to be distinrtly understood Matt/12 Society is not rcsponstble for the L'alylmgu Aplnx. \\ “\ng Balm“,t 3rd n $1133 I 26:; I:
a I l . I7. . ‘ I I I) I I II I I I I _ III.
views statements, or opinions of any of the Writers whose Papers are published in \ 1111'“ 1‘1‘111‘119- - I- 11~ .1.) 111111511 bunnun Ukullllllg. I1 I
I h I}[ II I ,4 10. ALI/:1” [)(W‘o’LC/IH l’otntoAplns. “Mostyn Manna” BS 1521] 2114 l l
t e Tans“ wm' '5 \Vingml Virgin Female 1 11:1 33. Large \Vlnte Sow, “ Hagar I
JOHN 1 l 11. Slmrtlmrn Bull, “ Muirsidv I Queen Mary 3rd " 259,642 2155
Secretary. , H Ramsden King ” . 253 '14. Large Black Sow, “ Thorn 3
' ‘ . 121 Aberdeen - Angus Cow Matilda 2nd ” S 980 . 2155 V
l 8 ~ 10 '. “ Eullmu (3111 01 lulllam’ .30. Lssex bow, “ Ixu‘ton Lmly {r
I , humnuncn 7. 102,652 253 3rd" 30,884 . . 266
l A II
1 ‘l I 1
. I, lI
, I ,I II
' Ii
Title Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 005