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Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 073

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Year 1940
OCR Text

Name and Address. Body Represented.
Mr Arthur R. Wannop, B.Sc., B.Eng., 415
Union Street, Aberdeen
Professor J. Hendrick, Marischal College,
Mr J. F. Tocher, D.Sc., 41!; Union Street,
The North of Scotland
College of Agri—
Mr John Forster, Mains of Larg, New Luce . }
Mr W. Cassels Jack, Robiesland, Lanark .
Mr A. B. Fowler, Ph.D., B.Sc., Kirkhill, Ayr
Mr Norman C. \Vright, M.A., Ph.D., Kirkhill,
Lord Rowallan, Rowallan, Kilmarnock . .
Mr John Speir, 81 Hope Street, Glasgow .
Sir Hugh Shaw-Stewart, Bt., K.C.B.,
Ardgowan, Inverkip
Lt.-Col. W. Guy Shaw-Stewart, Ardgowan,
Animal Diseases Research
The Hannah Dairy Re-
search Institute.
Co-opted Members.
Chairman—Col. W. T. R. Houldswortli.
The following were the principal members of the staff :—
Secretary and Treasurer—Mr John Howie.
Superintendent—Mr William Stevenson, B.Sc., N.D.A., N.D.D.
Assistant Superintendent—Mr Percy H. Hart.
In 1939, as in previous years, the scheme of official milk
records was administered by the Association through local
milk recording societies. The grant from the Treasury,
obtained through the Department of Agriculture for Scotland,
was continued in 1939 on the same conditions as in the previous
year. The amount authorised was £2900, compared with £2800
for 1938.
Grants were allocated to local societies on the following
scale :—
1. Societies testing at intervals of not more than twenty-one
days :—
(a) The hire of the necessary milk-testing appliances
free of annual charge, the society to upkeep the
apparatus in good condition.
(b) An annual grant of 8s. 6d. per member towards the
cost of surprise check tests.
2. Societies testing at intervals of from twenty-two to
twenty-eight days :—
(a) The hire of the necessary milk-testing appliances
free of annual charge, the society tO upkeep the
apparatus in good condition.
(b) An annual grant of 7s. per member towards the cost
of surprise check tests.
During the latter part of 1938 and the earlier months of
1939 every effort was made to obtain new members for local
societies throughout the various dairying districts of Scotland,
and 96 definite applications were received. But for various
reasons, such as members disposing of their dairy herds or
removing from their farms, &c., there were as usual a con-
siderable number of resignations.
All the local societies which operated in 1938 continued
in 1939. The Central and South Ayrshire Society, with
seven circuits, found it necessary, owing to increase in member-
ship, to form an eighth circuit. Also, the Dumfriesshire
Society, with three circuits, had to form a fourth; and the
Machars Society, with one circuit, a second. The number
Of recorders’ circuits in 1939 was 47, three more than in the
previous year. The number of herds officially tested was 903,
and the number of cows officially tested, 41,058, an increase
of 32 herds and 2648 cows from the previous year, and the
largest number of herds and of cows tested in the history of
the Association.
Title Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 073