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Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 088

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Year 1940
time, in view of the turn the war had then taken. Up till
that date, the demands of the Red Cross and the St Andrew’s
Ambulance Association had perhaps not been so great as
was expected, but it must be realised that before the
end Of hostilities there would be a considerable call upon
the services of these Associations, and he was sure agriculture
in Scotland would not be behindhand in making an effort to
provide a considerable sum of money for the Red Cross.
Major-General Sir Walter Maxwell-Scott, Bt., described the
activities of the Scottish Branch of the British Red Cross
Society. In the last war the Scottish Branch expended over
£2,000,000. They had 600 ambulances at home and abroad,
and carried over 2,000,000 people, and they equipped :1
Hospital Ship for the Mediterranean. Since the last war
the Red Cross had spent in Scotland £260,000, including
£120,000 on hospital treatment for ex-service men, £20,000
on sanatorium treatment for officers, and £50,000 on emergency
help to service men. Since the beginning of the present war
£38,000 had been spent by their Central Fund. This sum
included a grant of £3000 in money to the Finnish Red Cross,
and, in addition, they had given them goods to the value
Of over £3000.
After giving details of the present personnel and equipment
of the Society, he referred to the work of the County Branches,
which all had their own funds. Whatever money was received
through the Agriculture Fund would be divided 50-50 with
the counties, so that a considerable proportion Of the money
received from a county would be spent within its area.
Mr James H. H. Henderson, General Secretary of the St
Andrew’s Ambulance Association, gave a brief account of the
work of that Association, dealing more especially with what
they were doing to help His Majesty’s Forces in connection
with transport work and with the instruction of personnel.
Mr J. M. Ramsay, O.B.E., of the Department of Agri-
culture for Scotland, expressed the deep regret of the Secretary
of State for Scotland that he was unable, on account of his
Parliamentary duties, to attend the Meeting. The causo
they were considering, said Mr Ramsay, was one that must
appeal to everybody. The bringing together of the Scottish
Agricultural Organisations in a united effort to assist the
Red Cross Fund had the entire sympathy and support of
Mr Colville.
The Chairman then moved the following Resolution :—
“ That the representatives of the Organisations present
constitute themselves the General Committee of the
Scottish Red Cross Agriculture Fund, with power to
add to their number. That the Committee have as its
object the raising of funds on behalf of the Red Cross
and St Andrew’s Ambulance Association from the Agri-
cultural interests in Scotland.”
M r William Graham, Lugate, Stow, President of the National
Farmers’ Union and Chamber of Agriculture of Scotland,
seconded the Resolution. In doing so, he‘said it needed _no
words Of his to commend the cause to which the Resolutlon
relOI‘l‘ed. He was perfectly sure Scottish agriculture would
not wish to lag behind in an effort made on behalf of that
fund. He thought it would be agreed-that the organisation
they proposed to set up for the collectlon of funds would be
an ideal organisation for the purpose.
Some doubts were expressed as to the advisability of
setting up a new organisation in view of its poss1ble effect
on the work of the Red Cross County Committees, and also
upon the proposed scheme for regular weekly contributions
from farm workers.
The Chairman said they felt that there were sources of
income which had not been tapped by the appeals of the
Uonveners in the various counties, and that this organisa-
tion could raise money from these untapped sources. He
was sure they all realised that in a war they had to give
not only once or twice or even three times, but had to put
their hands in their pockets all the time for all the various
funds. He thought that by organising Free Gift Sales, par-
iicularly in the country districts, they would be able to raise
money for the Red Cross without interfering in any way
with the local efforts for comforts and other funds. Where
a scheme for regular collections was in Operation the work
of the Committee would not interfere with it. The work of
the proposed organisation would be in addition to the local
«i'l'orts, all of which would be required.
The Resolution was then put to the Meeting, and
unanimmisly adopted.
The Earl of Home, K.T., was unanimously elected Chairman
of the General Committee. In moving his election, Major
Brebner said that Lord Home undertook a great deal of
public work, but, when approached, he had readily agreed to
accept the Chairmanship. They were extremely fortunate in
having him to guide this movement.
Major R. F. Brebner and Mr George G. Mercer, Southfield,
Dalkeith, were elected Vice—Chairmen Of the Committee, and
Mr John Stirton, Secretary of the Highland and Agricultural
Society, was elected Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.
It was intimated by Major Brebner that the Directors of
the. Highland and Agricultural Society had decided to offer
Office accommodation for the Committee and to permit the
Title Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 088