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Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 206

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Year 1940
OCR Text xv I—‘A
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It was decided that the Secretary be instructed to direct the attention of the
Board Of_Trade to this matter, and to inquire if nothing could be done to withdraw
the restriction on import above referred to.
Hill Sheep Farms.
A letter was submitted from the Secretary of the Scottish Land and Property
Federation, enclosing copy of a letter, dated 30th January, addressed by the
Federation to the Department of A iculture for Scotland. The letter dealt with
the serious posxtion of the Sheep ndustry throu bout the greater part of the
Highlands..and urged the vital necessity for a ind inquiry being made into the
reasons which had led to the fall in the sheep population in the Highland areas
before a decision was come to on any Long-Term Policv for Shcep Farming in the
Highlands. ‘
It was decided to remit the letter to the Special Committee appointed by tho
SOCiety on lst November 1939 for consideration and report.
Proctor’s Tripod Harvesting System.
Mr Scott Ait-on, Legerwood, Earlston, referred to the decision arrived at by
the Directors on 1st November, and requested the Meeting to give reconsideration
to Mr Dale's letter of 23rd October 1939. Circumstances, he said, had altered
Since that date in a way which had not been foreseen. They had not visualised
that so early in the \Var there would be the difficulty in obtaining artificial Feeding-
Stufis which now existed. He thought they had, by means of this system, a
valuable. reserve of proteins which would go a long way to solve the difficulty
in bringing their Stock through next winter. He moved that a Committee be
appointed to look further into tho possibilities of making hay in Scotland under
the Proctor Tripod System.
Mr J. W. Alexander, M.V.O., of Newton. Golfhill, MofiatA seconded.
Mr John D. Allan, Culthill, Murthly, moved that no action be taken.
Major R. W. Sharpe of The Park, Earlston, in seconding the Amendment,
said he would prefer that the matter be delayed until a later Meeting, when there
was a larger attendance of members of the Board.
Mr R. Scott Aiton thereupon stated that if it was the view of the Meeting that
the matter be deferred he was willing to withdraw his Motion. on the understanding
that the matter would come up for consideration at next Meeting of the Board.
This was agreed to.
Red Cross Agriculture Fund.
Correspondence was submitted between the Red Cross Agriculture Fund Com-
mittee in London and the Society, and the Secretary reported on a meeting of
that Committee which he had attended at the Mansion House, London, on 12th
January. There was also submitted a letter from the Scottish Branch of the
British Red Cross Society, Glasgow, inviting this Society to take the initiative
in setting up a Committee in Scotland to organise the raising of funds from the
Agricultural interests in Scotland on behalf of the Red Cross.
On the recommendation of the Finance Committee, it was decided that the
matter be remitted to a Committee to consider as to the advisability of taking
action on the lines suggested, and, if so decided, to act with other bodies in con-
vening a Meeting of representatives of Scottish agricultural interests with a view
to setting up a Scottish Red Cross Agriculture Committee.
The members of the Committee were appointed as follows : Major R. F. Brebner ;
The Earl of Home, K.T.; Colonel F. J. Carruthers; Mr George Grant; Mr
William C. Hunter; Mr Alexander Murdoch; Mr James Paton; Sir Joshua
Ross-Taylor; Major R. W. Sharpe: Mr T. G. \Vilson.
A Minute of Meeting of Finance Committee, dated 7th February, was submitted.
The Minute dealt with the following matters :—
Scottish Jililk Records Association—The Committee had given further considera-
tion to the application from the Scottish Milk Records Association for a grant
in aid of the work of the Association in View of the discontinuance of the grant
from the Treasury. Certain further information, supplied by the Secretary of the
Association, with regard to the estimated financial position for the year beginning
1st April 1940 was submitted.
After full deliberation, the Committee had decided that they could not see
their way to recommend that a grant be given.
Master of Works—The Secretary had reported that the Society’s Master of
Works, Mr Henry Raesido, had received a temporary appointment, under the
War Department, as a Clerk of Works.
It was decided to recommend that the Society pay to Mr Raesido, throughout
the duration of this temporary appointment, a sum sufficient to make up the
difference between What he was receiving and his salary with the Society.
Mr Alexander Murdoch, East Hallside, Cambuslang, moved approval of the
Minute, and this was seconded by Major R. W. Sharpe of The Park, Earlston.
Mr A. W. Montgomerie, Westburn, Cambuslang, expressed disappointment
with regard to the recommendation that no grant be given to the Scottish Milk
Records Association, and moved that consideration of this matter be deferred
until next Meeting.
This was seconded by Mr James Clark, VVindlaW House, Carmunnock.
On a vote being taken, the Minute of the Finance Committee was approved
by a large majority.
Presentation to Mr John Reid.
The Secretary reported that, with the sum voted by the Board on 3rd J anuary,
a Gold Watch had been purchased, as Mr Reid had expressed a preference for
this instead Of a piece of Silver Plate. The Watch would be handed over to Mr
Reid, by the Chairman of Directors, at the Meeting of Members for Nomination
of a Director in Aberdeen on Friday, lst March.
N ext Board Meeting.
In view of the fact that the first Wednesday in March coincided with the date
of the Stallion Show in Glasgow, it was decided that no Meeting of the Board
be called for that date, unless business should arise of sufficient importance to
render a Meeting necessary.
Title Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 206