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Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 141

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Year 1940
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3rd No. 42 Gordon, Trustees of the late A. P., Bindal, Portmahomack,
Ross-shire, " Balmuchy Butterfly 13th." _ N
4th No.49 Stewart, Duncan M’Callum, of Millhills, Crrefi, Inschfield
Uitra Cavell." I H
V No. 46 Robertson, Major William B., Colton, Dunfermline, Scotston
Jealous Joan." . u .
H No. 45 Reid, John N ., Cromleybank, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Clipper
Jewel 5th " (201,911).
C No. 41 Crawford and Balcarres, The Earl of, K.T., Balcarres House,
Colinsburgh, Fife, " Balcarres Constance " (196,554).
Best Shorthorn Female the Show, entered or eligible for entry in Coates's
Herd—Boob—£20, given by the Shorthorn Society.
No.30 Durno, James, Uppermill, Tarves, Aberdeenshire, " Secret
Poppy (147.835)-
Silver Medal to the Breeder of the winner of above Prize—given by the
Shorthorn Society.

No. 30 Durno, James, Uppermill, Tarves, Aberdeenshire.
CLASS 9. HEIFER, born on or after Ist April 1938.—
PREMIUMS, £10, £5, £3, and £2.
CLASS 5. COW, in Milk, born before Ist December 1935.—
PREMIUMS, £12, £8, £4, and £2.

Ist No. 52 Gordon, Mrs B. Hood Linzee, Cluny Castle, Sauchen, Aber-
deenshire, " Cluny Pauline 54th." ' u I
and No. 53 MacGillivray, Finlay, of Aldie, Tain, Ross-shire, Aldle
Enid Broadhooks.” _ ’
3rd N0. 50 Durno, James, Uppermill, Tarves, Aberdeenshire, " Fairy
4th N0. 51 Gordon, Mrs B. Hood Linzee, Cluny Castle, Sauchen, Aber-
deenshire, " Cluny Augusta 615t."
V N0. 55 Roberts, Sir James Denby, Bt., Strathallan Castle, Auchter-
arder, " Stonelands Orange Girl 3rd.” .
No. 54 MacGillivray, Finlay, of Aldie, Tain, Ross-shire, " Aldie
Connie Undine."
N0. 56 Roberts, Sir James Denby, Bt., Strathallan Castle, Auchter-
arder, " Strathallan Lady Rosewood." ' .
N0. 57 Stewart, Duncan M'Callum, of Millhills, Crieff, ” Fair Clipper
Ist No. 30 Durno, James, Uppermill, Tarves, Aberdeenshire, " Secret
POPPY ” (147.835)- _
2nd N0. 31 Durno, James, Uppermill, Tarves, Aberdeenshire, " Beaufort
Princess Royal 25th ” (159,848).
3rd No. 33 Smith, R. Laidlaw, Pittodrie, Pitcaple, Aberdeenshire,
“ Pittodrie Patricia " (172,492).
4th No. 29 Crawford and Balcarres, The Earl of, K.T., Balcarres House,
Colinsburgh, Fife, “ Balcarres Edna " (166,410).
V No. 32 Graham, J. Maxtone, Redgorton, Perth, " Redgorton Butter-
cup 3rd " (177.751)-
H No. 34 Snadden, W. M'Nair, M.P., of The Coldoch, Blair Drummond,
by Stirling, " Coldoch Buttercup ” (182,481).

CLASS 6. COW, in Milk, born on or after Ist December 1935 and
before Ist December 1936.———PREMIUMS, £10, £5, £3, and £2.
Ist N0. 35 Hill, The Trustees of the late R. Wylie, 0f Balthayock, Perth,
" Balthayock Butterfly 12th " (188,261).

for best A berdeen-A ngns Anzmal.

CLASS 7. COW or HEIFER, born on or after Ist December 1936
and before Ist December 1937.—PREMIUMS, £10, £5, £3, and £2.
Ist No. 39 Smith, R. Laidlaw, Pittodrie, Pitcaple,
Heifer, “ Pittodrie Thora " (202,710).
2nd N o. 38 Hill, The Trustees of the late R. Wylie, of Balthayock, Perth,
Heifer, ” Balthayock Butterfly 14th " (198,545).
3rd No. 37 Gordon, Mrs B. Hood Linzee, Cluny Castle, Sauchen, Aber-
., } deenshire, Heifer, " Cluny Augusta 56th " (197,902).
X 1} 4th No. 36 Gordon, Trustees of the late A. P., Bindal, Portmahomack,
Ross—shire, Heifer, “ Balmuchy Goldie 5th ” (197,896).

No.113 Goodson, Captain A. L., Kilham, Mindrum, Northumberland,
" Eulima 6th of Kilharn " (102,652).

Reserve—No. 106 Beddie, J. & A., Banks, Strichen, " Gammer Ebenil "

Paisley Perpetual Gold Challenge Cup, value £300, for best animal in [be
Aberdeen-Angus Classes, " Extra Stock " ehgible to compete. This
Cup, along with an endowment of £600, was provided from_ money
collected in Paisley by the late Provost Muir M’Kean, and is 111 com-
memoration of the Society's first Show at Paisley in 1913.

CLASS 8. HEIFER, born on or after Ist December 1937 and before
Ist April 1938.—PREMIUMS, £10, £5, £3, and £2.
‘1‘ No. 113 Goodson, Captain A. L., Kilham, Mindrum, Northumberland,
I [St No. 48 Snadden, W. M'Nair, M.P., of The Coldoch, Blair Drummond, " Eulima 6th of Kilham ” (102,652).
. by Stirling, " Coldoch Bonny Rothes."
2nd No. 43 Lovat, Lord, Beaufort Castle, Beauly, ” Beaufort Royal
Princess 12th."
Reserve—N0. 106 Beddie, J. & A., Banks, Strichen, " Gammer Ebenil "
Title Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 141