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Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 166

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Year 1940
CLASS 132. FEMALE GOAT, any age, in Milk, entered in or eligible
for the Saanen Section or the British Saanen Section or Register of
the Herd—Book.—PREM1UMS, £3, £2, and £1.
1st No. 1126 Owen, Miss Mostyn, Spen House, Minskip, Boroughbridge,
Yorks., (British Saanen), ” Mostyn Matchmore Q‘Q’H‘“ "
(BS 1201).
2nd No. 1127 Steel-Maitland, Dowager Lady, Sauchieburn, Stirling,
(British Saanen), " Sauchie Gracie ” (BSR 647).
The following received an award of £3 each :—
No. 1128 Hendy, Mrs, Etherley, Bishop Auckland, (Saanen), " Middleton
Myrtle* " (S 287).
No. 1129 Owen, Miss Mostyn, Spen House, Minskip, Boroughbridge,
Yorks., (British Saanen), “ Mostyn Marirose Q*Q*Q* ”
(BS 1197).
CLASS 133. FEMALE GOAT, any age, in Milk. Any other variety.
———PREMIUMS, £3, £2, and £1.
(st No. 1130 Forteviot, Dowager Lady, Galloway House, Garlieston,
(British), ” Dupplin Keenncss ” (12,908).
The following received an award of £3 :—
No. 1133 Hendy, Mrs, Etherley, Bishop Auckland, (Anglo—Nubian),
" Jasmin of Coltishall ” (AN 2397).
CLASS 134. GOATLING, over one but not exceeding two years, entered
in or eligible for the Toggenburg Section or the British Toggenburg
or British Alpine Section or Register of the Herd-B00k.—PREMIUMS,
£3, £2, and £1.
Ist No. 1135 Forteviot, Dowager Lady, Galloway House, Garlieston,
(British Alpine), " Dupplin Loveliness " (BA 1504).
2nd N0. 1136 Hendy, Mrs, Etherley, Bishop Auckland, (British Alpine).
“ Etherley Tease] " (BA 1419).
CLASS 135. GOATLING, over one but not exceeding two years.
Any other Variety.—PREMIUMS, £3, £2, and £1.
1st No. 1140 Owen, Miss Mostyn, Spen House, Minskip, Boroughbridge,
Yorks., (British Saanen), “ Mostyn Marina. " (BS 1520).
2nd No. 1142 Steel-Maitland, Dowager Lady, Sauchieburn, Stirling,
(British), “ Sauchie Heather " (HB 13,158).
3rd No. 1139 Hendy, Mrs, Etherley, Bishop Auckland, (Saanen).
“ Etherley Silva " (S 444).
EDINBURGH, 1939. 321
CLASS 136. FEMALE KID, not exceeding one year. Any variety.—
PREMIUMS, £3, £2, and £1.
ist No. 1148 Owen, Miss Mostyn, Spen House, Minskip, Boroughbridge’,
Yorks., (British Saanen), " Mostyn Maid Marion
(BSR 691). .
2nd No. 1150 Swan, Miss Elinor, The Neuk, 10 Midmar Drive, Edinburgh,
(British Toggenburg), "Charity of Swanston" (BTR
2 .
3rd No. 1147 1131532, Mrs, Etherley, Bishop Auckland, (British),
" Etherley Kestrel" (13,457). I
V N0. 1143 Forteviot, Dowager Lady, Galloway House, Garlieston,
(British Alpine), “ Dupplin Mab ” (BA 1596). I
H No. 1 I51 Swan, Miss Elinor, The Neuk, Io Midmar Drive, Edinburgh,
(British Toggenburg), " Faith of Swanston " (BTR 323).
C No. 1146 Hendy, Mrs, Etherley, Bishop Auckland, (Saanen),
“ Etherley Jennifer ” (S 515).
CLASS 137. MALE KID, not exceeding one year. Any variety.—
PREMIUMS, £3, £2, and £1.
1st No. 1155 Robinson, John, Holme House, Etherley Bank, West
Auckland, Co. Durham, (British Toggenburg), " Spring-
wood Standard " (ET 1117). ' _
2nd N0. 1154 Hendy, Mrs, Etherley, Bishop Auckland, (Brltlsh Toggen-
burg), ” Murrayston Magnus " (ET 1116).
CLASS 138. MILKING COMPETITION, for quality, open to
Classes 131, 132, and I33.—PREMIUMS, £3, £2, and £1.
181: No. 1129 Owen, Miss Mostyn, Spen HouSe, Minskip, Boroughbridge,
Yorks., (British Saancn), " Mostyn Marirose Q*Q*Q* "
(BS 1197). .
sud No. 1126 Owen, Miss Mostyn, Spen House, Minskip, Boroughbridge,
Yorks., (British Saanen), " Mostyn Matchmore Q*Q*** "
(BS 1201). '
3rd No. 1128 Hendy, Mrs, Etherley, Bishop Auckland, (Saanen), “ Middle-
ton Myrtle* ” (S 287).
V No. 1124 Swan, Miss Elinor, The Neuk, IO Midmar Drive, Edinburgh,
(British Toggenburg), " Precious of Swanston Q“ ”
(BTR 259).
CLASS 139. MILKING COMPETITION, for quantity, open to
Classes 131, 132, and 133.—PREMIUMS, £3, £2, and £1.
1st No. 1129 Owen, Miss Mostyn, Spen House, Minskip, Boroughbridge.
Yorks., (British Saanen), ” Mostyn Marirose Q*Q*Q* "
(BS 1197).
2nd N o. 11 18 F orteviot, Dowager Lady, Galloway House, Garlieston,
(British Alpine), ” Dupplin Jubilate* " (BAR 5500)..
3rd N o. 1128 Hendy, Mrs, Etherley, Bishop Auckland, (Saanen), " Middle-
ton Myrtle* " (S 287).
V No. 1126 Owen, Miss Mostyn, Spen House, Minskip, Boroughbridge,
Yorks., (British Saanen), ” Mostyn Matchmore Q*Q*** ”
(BS 1201).
Title Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 166