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Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 210

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Year 1940
Accounts and Special Grants.
Mr Alexander Murdoch, East Hallside, Cambuslang, in the absence of the
Treasurer, the Earl of Home, K.T., submitted the Accounts of the Society for the
year ended 30th November 1939.
As at that date, he said, the value of the General Funds of the Society was
£164,922, 13s., as compared with £170,412, 19s. 9d. at 30th November 1938,
showing a decrease of £5490, Gs. 9d. This decrease was due to the depreciation
in the market value of the Society’s securities, mainly in Government and Bank
Stooks, which amounted to over £9488. The Balance of Receipts over Payments
for the year reduced the decrease in the value of the Funds to £5490, 6s. 9d. Mr
Murdoch explained why the large sum of £10,375 was in Bank on Deposit Receipt
at the close of the financial year. During the month of November, he said, certain
of the Society’s Investments were repaid, and, along with the surplus resulting
from the Edinburgh Show, there was a considerable sum available for reinvest-
ment. A sum of £5000 was placed on Mortgage with the Edinburgh Corporation
for five years at 4 per cent interest, and there was purchased £1000 of the Govern-
ment 3 per cent Defence Bonds. There remained a sum of just over £10,000 to
be invested. The Directors felt that the Society should support the Government’s
new Defence Loan when issued, and the available balance was placed on Deposit
Receipt pending the issue of the new loan.
The Accounts of the Edinburgh Show, he said, were very gratifying, resulting
in a probable surplus of £4918, the highest figure for any of the Society’s Shows.
Mr Murdoch then referred to the View of Receipts and Payments for the past
year. The Receipts for the year, excluding receipts from Life Subscriptions,
amounted to £33,648, or £6143 more than the previous year. Receipts from
Life Subscriptions were £997, 75., as compared with £908, 10s. for 1938. The
total Ordinary Expenditure was £26,673. Apart from a small increase in the
cost of the Society‘s ‘ Transactions ' (due to the inclusion of the List of Members),
the expenditure under other heads showed a reduction on the previous year.
Mr Murdoch also drew attention to the heading “ Extraordinary Expenditure.”
During the past year, he said, no less than £1562, 23. was given by the Society
in Special Grants to Educational and other bodies. The Society incurred a sum
of £200 under its guarantee of £1000 in respect of the Empire Exhibition, making
the total Extraordinary Expenditure during the year £1762, 2s. Including the
Receipts from Life Subscriptions, the Balance of Receipts over Payments for the
year amounted to £3972, 19s. 5d., which he thought was very satisfactory.
Mr Murdoch then moved the adoption of the Accounts and the approval of the
following Special Grants recommended by the Board of Directors: (a) £100 to
the Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society for the year 1940; (1)) £10 to the
Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Mr T. G. Wilson, Carbeth Home Farm, seconded, and the Accounts were adopted
and the Special Grants approved.
Argyll Naval Fund.
On the motion of Mr Alexander Murdoch, the Accounts of the Argyll Naval
Fund for the year ended 30th November 1939 were approved.
Inverness Show, 1940.
Mr James Paton, Kirkness, Glencraig, Vice.Convener of the Shows Committee,
reported that at a Meeting held on 1st November 1939 the Directors resolved
that the arrangements for the Show to be held in Inverness in 1940 be not pro-
ceeded with. The action of the Board of Directors was approved.
Future Shows.
Mr Paton also reported that the Directors had further resolved that the next
Show of the Society be held at Inverness, and the following Show at Dundee,
in accordance with the order already agreed upon.
On the motion of Mr Paton, seconded by Mr John D. Allan, Culthill Implement
“Yorks, Murthly, the resolution was confirmed.
Grants to Local Societies.
Mr T. Mercer Sharp, Bardrill, Blackford, submitted the Report on Grants to
Local Societies authorised by the Directors, and the Report was approved.
Report by Chemist.
Dr J. F. Tocher, Consulting Chemist to the Society, submitted a Report on the
work done in his department during the past half-year. The substance of the
Report appears on pp. 154-161 of this volume.
Vote of Thanks.
Sir Joshua Ross-Taylor, Mungoswalls, Duns, in moving a cordial vote of thanks
to Lord Rosebery for his conduct in the Chair, said he was sure they appreciated
very much that his Lordship should have come to the Meeting. They knew that
Lord Rosebery had a great deal to do, and they were grateful to him for his con-
tinued interest in the Society. It was a satisfaction to them all that under his
Lordship’s Presidency they had had one of the most successful Shows, if not the
most successful, the Society had experienced.
Lord Rosebery, in acknowledging the vote of thanks, said he was only too
pleased to do everything he could for the Highland and Agricultural Society,
whose interests he had always at heart. He was very glad to know the Society
had had such a good year during his Presidency. The only thing that had come
down was the value of their securities, but that, of course, was the case with
everyone. He trusted that the war would end before very long, and that the
securities would then go up.
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Title Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 210