Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 254
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Year | 1940 |
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OCR Text |
v I ‘Vr'ahwa" . PREMIUMS OFFERED BY THE SOCIETY. the greatest taste in ornamenting the exterior of their houses, and the ground in front and at the gables. 7. In estimating the claims for the Garden Premiums, the judges should have in view—the sufliciency and neatness of the fences and walks: the cleanness of the ground; the quality and choice of the crops ; and the general productiveness of the garden. 8. Reports, stating the number of Competitors, the names of suc- cessful parties, and the nature of the exertions which have been made by them, must be lodged with the Secretary of the Highland and Agricultural Society on or before lst November next. 9. When a grant of Money has expired, the District cannot apply again for aid for four years. - Grants in 353%). 2nd Year. 1. DREGHORN HORTICULTURAL AND AGRXCULTURAL SocIETY. Convener—Robert Prde, Elms Lea, Dreghorn, Ayrshire. Secretary—Hugh Gibson, 17 Percoton Cottages, Kilrnarnock. Granted 1939. lst Year. 2. OLD MELDRUM AND DISTRICT BRANCH S.\V.R.I. Convener—Mrs Morris, Kemp‘s Hotel, Old Meldruin. Aber- deenshire. Secretary—Miss R. Borwick, 8 King Street, Old Meldrum, Aberdeenshire. Granted 1939. (Grant in abeyance 1939 on account of war.) 3. STONEHOUSE HOBTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Convener—James C. Plenderleith, \Vestfield, Manse Road, Stonehouse, Lanarkshire. Secretary—Robert M. Muter, 44 Camnethan Street, Stone- house, Lanarkshire. Granted 1939. (Grant in abeyance 1939 on account of \Var.) CLASS 7. LOCAL SOCIETIES, &o.—GRANTS OF MINOR SILVER MEDALS FOR BEST-KEPT COTTAGES AND GARDENS, GARDEN PRODUCE, POULTRY, AND HONEY. RULES or COMPETITION. l. The Society will give annually one or two Minor Silver Medals to a limited number of local Associations or individuals, who estab- lish Competitions and Premiums for Cottages, Gardens, Garden Produce, or Bee-Keeping. The Medals will be granted for two years. PREMIUMS OFFERED BY THE SOCIETY. 87 2. The Medals may be offered in any two of the following sections, but under no circumstances will the two bledals be given in one of the sections :— (l) Best-kept Cottage or best-kept Cottage and Garden. (Ono Medal only.) (2) Best-kept Garden. (One Medal only.) (3) Best Collection of Garden Produce—Flowers excluded. (One Medal only.) (4) Best Pen of Poultry. (One Medal only.) (5) Honey. (One Medal only.) 3. The annual value of each cottage, with the ground occupied in the parish by 9. Competitor, must not exceed £20. The occupiers of Lodges at Gentlemen’s Approach Gates, and Gardeners in the employment of others, are not entitled to compete. 4. If Competition takes place for Garden Produce, such produce must be bona fide grown in the Exhibitor’s Garden. He will not be allowed to make up a collection from any other Garden. The produce must consist of Vegetables, or Vegetables and Fruit (not Fruit alone). Flowers are excluded. 6. The Honey must be the produce of the Exhibitor’s own Hives. 6. To warrant the award of 9. Medal, there must not be fewer than three Competitors. 7. Forms of Report of Competitions will be furnished to the Secretaries in the different Districts. These must, in all details, be completed and lodged with the Secretary of the Highland and Agricultural Society as soon as possible after the Competition, and in no case later than 131 November, for the approval of the Directors, against whose decisions there shall be no appeal. 8. If no Competition takes place in a. District for two years the grant expires. 9. When a grant of Medals has expired, the District cannot apply again for a similar grant until after the lapse of a. period of two years. Grants in 1940. 2nd Year. 1. COLINSBURGH AND KILCONQUHAR HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIA- TION. Convener—Gilbert R. M‘Garva, Balniel, Colinsburgh, Fife. Secretary—William Adams, Balcarres Gardens, Colmsburgh, Fife. Granted 1939. (2 Medals.) 2. DREGEORN HORTIOULTUBAL AND AGRICULTURAL Scenery. Convener—Robert Pryde, Elms Lee, Dreghorn, Ayrshire. Secretary—Hugh Gibson, 17 Perceton Cottages, Kilmarnock. Granted 1939. (1 Medal.) aw. miss! u 1'51?! Liz "‘ 3‘! 'n' ‘ I ‘5»! a “m ‘ m. 4 :55 hillsgfu A~_ . "a... ,-_. r—niw 4M ' :ugrxi up 1:, use”-.- -\u.rmmu -.r |
Title | Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 254 |