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Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 201

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Year 1940
Vacancy on Board.
It was remitted to the Ordinary Directors in the Edinburgh Show Division to
bring forward the name of a Director 1 fill tl
the late Ml‘ JOhn E. B. COWPGL 0 ie vacancy caused by the death of
The following letters were submitted :—-
Mrs J. E. B. Cowper, Gogar House, Edinburgh.—Thanking the Directors for
letter of sympath , and wreath, 0 th ' f r
the late Mr Jehn B. cowper. n e occasion o the death of her husband,
Edinburgh Highland Reel and Straths e Soci t .—E ' ‘7
of Grant of £50 for the current year. p y e y xpress‘ng thanks for mnewu]
Edinburgh Show, 1939.
Accounts.—The Secretary reported that a Summer of the Accounts of
Edinburgh Show had that day been submitted to the Finance Committee. Thtdgfx
Accounts showed a probable credit balance of about £4852. This was slightlv
in excess of the previous highest profit of £4813 at the Dundee Show in 1933.
The total attendance at Edinburgh, of those who paid for admission, also con-
stituted a record, being 97,272, as compared with 96,340 at the Dundee Show.
In reply to a letter of thanks which the Secretary had written to the Corporation
of Edinburgh, and in which he reported the record attendance at the Show, the
iollowmg reply had been received from the Town Clerk, dated 4th July 1939 :—
“ I duly received your letter of 26th ult., which I read to the Town Council
at their recent meeting, when it was received by the members with much
appreCiation. They share the gratification of your Directors on the succosa
of this year’s Show, and I am to assure your Directors that it is a special
pleasure for the Town Council at all times to be associated with them in the
important work which they carry on so successfully."
Dist of .Awards.—A List of Awards at Edinburgh Show was laid on the table.
Coloyrmg of Sheep—Sir Joshua Ross-Taylor, Mungoswalls, Duns, Chairman of
the-Jomt Committee appointed by the Border Leicester Sheep Society and this
Society, reported on the inspection by the Committee of the Sheep exhibits at the
Show. They had, he said, an excellent entry of Border Leicester Sheep at the
Show, and he would like Breeders to know that the Joint Committee appreciated
very much the we they had tried to carry out the somewhat difficult rule. There
were two cases 0 exhibits which were slightly over-coloured, but he was glad
to say. that, when this was pointed out to the Border Leicester Society’s repre-
sentatives on the Joint Committee, they at once agreed to bring the matter in
a friendly way to the notice of these Exhibitors. He thought that after this
there would not be any further trouble about colouring.
Invcrness Show.
The Chairman submitted the followin Motion, h' l
of the meeting :— g w ic i appeared on the Agenda
. “ That the arrangements for the Annual Show, to be held at Inverness
in 1940, be not proceeded with."
He said it was with very deep regret that he had to move the Motion, but he
thought they would all agree that it was impossible for them to proceed, under
present Circumstances, with the arrangements for the 1940 Show. There was
no other course open to them.
The Motion was unanimously agreed to.
Future Shows.
The Chairman then moved the following Motion :—
“ That the next. Show of the Society be held at Inverness, and the following
Show at Dundee, in accordance with the order already agreed upon."
This Motion was also unanimously adopted.
” Dry Stone Dyking.”
A letter was submitted from Colonel F. Rainsiord-Hannay, Cardoness,
Gaiteliouse-oi-Fleet, containing a Report on the Dry Stane Dyking Competition
hold in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright on 3rd October, and expressing the thanks
of the Committee for the Medals ofiered by the Society. One Medal was returned,
due to the fact that in Class B. the Winner worked alone and not as one of a pair.
Classification of Seed Potatoes.
A letter was read from the Department of A riculture for Scotland to the
effect that in view of the present situation it ha been decided, in consultation
with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, to defer consideration of altering
the Seeds (Scotland) (Amendment) Regulations, 1936, as affecting Seed Potatoes.
Ministry of Food.
A Memorandum prepared by the National Farmers‘ Union and Chamber of
Agriculture of Scotland, dated 13th October, dealing with Schemes sfiocting
Agriculture which were being brought into operation by the Ministry of Food,
was submitted.
It was decided to remit the Memorandum to the following Special Committee
to take such action thereon as they might consider desirable : Mr J. W. Alexander,
Mr William 1. Elliot, Mr James Hope, Mr Finlay MacGillivray, Mr James M‘Laren,
Mr James Paton, Sir Joshua Ross-Taylor, Mr Thomas Templeton, Mr James
Wither, with the Chairman, Treasurer, and Honorary Secretary, ex ofllciia.
Sheep Industry.
A letter was submitted from the Scottish Land and Property Federation, dated
19th October, with regard to the critical position of the Sheep Industry.
It was decided that this letter be also remitted to the Committee above-
Proclor’s “ Tripod ” Harvesting System.
A letter was read from Mr John R. Dale, Auldhame, North Berwick, with
regard to Proctor’s “Tripod” Harvesting System, which was given an award
of £100 by the Society in 1934. In the Judges’ Report at that time it was stated
that " the general use of this (Proctor’s) System would result in a large financial
gain to the Country."
Along with the letter Mr Dale sent samples of hay which had been harvested
by Proctor’s System, and, for comparison, samples of hay secured in the ordinary
way. He thought this System, if generally adepted, would do more to keep
Scottish Farming going than anything that had been brought forward for a
long time. He suggested that the Society do something to help Mr Proctor to
carry on his good work and bring his System into general use.
After discussion, it was moved by the Master of Polwarth, and seconded by
Mr James Hope, that a small Committee be appointed to meet Mr Dale and
discuss the matter.
Mr Scott Aiton moved, and Mr J. W. Alexander seconded, that no action be
taken on the lines proposed in the meantime.
On a vote being taken, 12 voted for the Amendment and 12 for the Motion.
The Chairman gave his casting vote for the Amendment. The decision of the
Meeting was accordingly that no action be taken in the meantime.
National Diploma in Dairying.
Colonel F. J. Carruthers of Dormont, Convener of the Education Committee,
submitted the following Report on the Examination for the National Diploma in
Dairying held at Reading and Auchincruive in September :—
“ The Forty-fourth Annual Examination for the National Diploma in Dairying
took place during September at the Dairy School for Scotland, Aucliincruive, Ayr,
for Scottish students, and at the University and British Dairy Institute, Reading,
for English and Welsh students.
Title Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 201