Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 252
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Year | 1940 |
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OCR Text |
PREMIUMS OFFERED BY THE SOCIETY. 12. EAST MAINLAND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, ORKNEY. Convener—\Villiam G. Smith, Hall of Tankerness, Tankerness. Orkney. Secretary—Alfred C. Tait, Quoykea, Toab, Kirkwall. Granted 1898. 13. WEST MAINLAND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, ORKNEY. Convener—George Learmonth, jun., Pow, Quoyloo, by Strom- ness, Orkney. Secretary—James \Vood, Garson, Sandwick, Orkney. Granted 1900. 14. SANDAY AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION, ORKNEY. Convener—W. Cowper Ward, Scar House, Sanday, Orkney. Secretary—John Thomson, Ortie, Sanday, Orkney. Granted 1902. 15. YELL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, SHETLAND. Convener—T. R. Manson, Ladybank, West Sandwich. Lerwick. Secreta7‘y——Robert Johnson, The Manse, “lest Sandwich. Lerwick. Granted 1931. CLASS 5. FEDERATIONS OF SCOTTISH WOMEN’S RURAL INSTITUTES—GRANTS OF £10. REGULATIONS, 1940. 1. The Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland will provide annuaHy a sum not exceeding £150 as special Grants to Federations of Scottish Women’s Rural Institutes. 2. Grant to Federation, £10.—The amount of the Grant to any one Federation shall not exceed the sum of £10 per annum. 3. Duration of Grant.—The Grant will continue for two consecutive years. 4. Disposal of Applications—In disposing of applications for Grants, the Directors of the Highland and Agricultural Society shall keep in view the length of interval that has elapsed since the expiration of the last Grant, giving priority to those Federations which have been longest off the list. 5. Eligibility to Apply.—All applications must be at the instance of a properly constituted Federation of Institutes. PREMIUMS OFFERED BY THE SOCIETY. 83 6. Application of Grant—The Grant of £10 shall not be applied as a Grant-in-aid to the general funds of a Federation, but must be offered in the form of Prizes at any Show or Competition held under the auspices of the Federation. 7. Announcement of Grant—The offer of Prizes must be announced in the Prize List or Catalogue of the Show or Competition as “ presented by the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland,” or the amount of the Grant must be shown as a separate item of donation in the published state- ment of Accounts. 8. Rules of Competition—The Rules of Competition for the Prizes, the funds for which are derived from Grants of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, shall be such as are generally enforced in the case of Prizes offered from the Federation’s own funds. 9. Report to be Submitted—«Forms of Report will be furnished to the Secretaries of Federations, and these must be completed and returned to the Society as soon as possible after the Show or Competition and in no case later than lst November. These Reports are subject to the approval of the Directors of the .Highland and Agricultural Society, against whose decision there shall be no appeal. All Reports must be signed and certified as marked on the Form. The Grant will lapse if no Report is lodged. 10. Payment of Grant—Payment of the Grant will be made in December after the Reports of the Awards have been received and found to be in order and passed by the Board of Directors. 11. Renewal of Grant. A Federation which has received a Grant for two consecutive years shall not be eligible to apply for a renewal of the Grant until after the expiry of two years from the termination of the previous Grant. Grants in 1940. 2nd Year. 1, BERWICKSHIRE FEDERATION. Convener—Mrs Stevenson, Blackburn, Lauder, Berwickshirc. Secretary—Miss A. M‘B. Cowan, Roselea, Oxton, Berwickshire. Granted 1939. . DUMFRLESSHIRE FEDERATION. Convener—Mrs Ralston, Holmhill, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire. Secretary—Mrs Forrester, Kilness, Dumfries. Granted 1939. . EAST LOTHIAN FEDERATION. Convener—Mrs Hay, Belton, Dunbar. Secretary—Mrs M‘Kemmie, 2 Wemyss Place, Haddington. Granted 1938. (Grant in abeyance 1938.) . MULL, ISLE OF, FEDERATION. Convener—Mrs Allan of Arcs, Toberrnory. Secretary—Mrs Cuninghame, Linndhu, Tobermory. Granted 1939. ..;’L?':"- , ‘ smgfi; _ |
Title | Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 252 |