Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 247
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Year | 1940 |
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OCR Text |
72 PREMIUMS OFFERED BY THE SOCIETY. 23. DUNBARTONSIIIILE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. (Janeencr—Rear-Admiral \V. B. Mackenzie, R.N., of Caldarvan, Alexandria, Dumlmrtonshirc. Secretary—George Lawrence, Union Bank of Scotland Ltd., D ‘ . umba‘ton Granted I939. 24. KENNETEMONT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. Convener—Alexander Anderson, Percylieu, Clatt, Kenneth- mont, Aberdeenshire. Secretary—John M. Reid, Ardlair, Kennctlnnont, Aberdeen— Sh’re' Granted 1939. 25. LOCKERBTE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Convener—R. J ardine Paterson Of Balgray, Lockerbie. Secretaries—Henderson & Mackay, Solicitors, Bank of Scotland Chambers, Lockerbie. Granted l 939. 26. MID-ARGYLL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Convener—Peter Boyd, Cumlodden Estate Office, Furnace, Argyll. Secretary—J. G. Mathieson, Ri-Cruin, Kilmartin, Lochgilp- head’ Argy 11' Granted 1939. 27. NEILSTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Convener—George I. Young, Hallhill, HOWWOOd, Renfrew- shire. Secretary—John M. Morton, The Clydesdale Bank Ltd., Neilston, Renfrewshire. Granted 1939. 2S. STEWARTRY AGRICULTURAL SHOW. Promoted by the St Mary’s Isle Agricultural Society, the Dalbeattie Agricultural Society, and the Gatehouse District Agricultural Society. Secretary—J. E. Milligan, Clydesdale Bank, Dalbeattie. Granted 1939. 29. STIRLING AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Convener—Archibald Weir, Cauldbarns, Stirling. Secretary*William Thomson, Bearsidc, Polmaise, Stirling. ' Granted 1939. 30. STRATHSPEY FARIerRs’ CLUB. Convener—William Grant, Dell of Rothiemurchus, Aviemore. Secretary—Lbs MacDougall, 2 The Square, Grantown-on-Spey. Granted 1938. (Grant in abeyance 1938.) 31. UPPER DEESIDE AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. Convener—James S. Law, Milton of Learney, Torphins, Aberdeenshire. Secretary—William Kemp, Bank House, Torphins, Aberdeen- shire. Granted 1939. PREMIUMS OFFERED BY THE SOCIETY. lat Year—GRANT of £12. 32. CARLU‘KE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Convener—Thomas C. Bell, Stravenhouse, Carluke. Secretary—A. M. M‘Intosh, National Bank Of Scotland Ltd., Carluke. Granted 1940. 33. LORN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. . I Convener—John J. Currie, Cuilfail, Kilmelford, Argyll. Secretary—A. M. Cumming, The National Bank of Scotland Ltd., Oban. . Granted 1939. (Grant In abeyance 1939.) 34. UNITED EAST LOTHIAN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Convener—A. G. Spence, Pressmennan, Dunbar. Sccretarics—Stirling & Burnet, Solicitors, Haddlngton. Granted 1940. 35. WESTERN DISTRICT or MIDLOTHIAN AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. Convener—P. H. G. Blackwood, Balgrecn, Midcalder. Secretary—Maxwell C. Dick, Beaconhill, Kirknewton. Granted 1940. CLASS 2. HORSE ASSOCIATIONS —— GRANTS OF £15 IN RESPECT OF STALLIONS ENGAGED FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES. OLD REGULATIONS (applicable to Nos. 1 to 10 for the year 1940). 1. The Highland and Agricultural Society Will make Grants_to Horse Associations and other Societies in different districts engaging Stallions for agricultural purposes. _The total sum expended by the Highland and Agricultural Society In such Grants shall not exceed the sum of £210 in any one year. . (Nata—As a special provision this sum has been ralsed to £300 for the year 1940.) I I ' 2. The portion of the Grant to any one ASSOCIatIOn or Soclety shall not exceed the sum of £15 in any one year. . It Is Intended that the Grant shall be used by the Association or Socrety for the purpose of enabling it to secure a better class of Stallion. _ _ . 3. The Grants will be available only for Stallions Wthh, .for the years to which the Grants apply, are registered In the Reglster of Certified Draught Stallions published by the Department of Agri- culture for Scotland. (For information regardlng the Registration of Stallions, apply to the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture for Scotland, St Andrew’s House, Edmburgh.) ' .2; j Au? A « @4a .443; |
Title | Transactions of RHASS Volume 1940 - Page 247 |